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Configuration Files

This page is only valid for simpleRTK2B series based on ZED-F9.

Our Starter Kits which contain a base, a rover or a heading unit, are shipped pre-configured to make your life more plug and play.

Our standalone boards are shipped with the default ZED-F9P configuration.

If you “revert to default” a simpleRTK2B board, note that it will revert to the u-blox ZED-F9P default, not to the ArduSimple default. For getting back to the ArduSimple default you will have to upload the configuration files in this page.


Firmware version check:

The first step is to check that you have the latest firmware version on your boards. As any new technology, new firmware with improvements are released on a regular basis, and it’s common that the hardware you just received doesn’t have the latest version.

Have a look at this tutorial to check your firmware version and update if necessary. Or if you prefer, this videotutorial for firmware upgrade.

In case you need the firmware files, you can download them here:

Loading a configuration file:

Download the Windows tool u-center (careful, not u-center 2 which is not yet compatible with ZED-F9P): https://www.u-blox.com/en/product/u-center
  • Go to Menu Bar > Tools >  “Receiver Configuration” (“GNSS Configuration…” in older u-center versions)
  • Select Generation “u-blox Generation 9”
  • Select the configuration file from your hard disk
  • Click “Transfer file -> GNSS”
When finished, the simpleRTK2B will start using the new configuration immediately. But if you remove the power, it will revert back to the previous one. To store permanently our new configuration, we need to:
  • Go to Menu Bar > View > Message View
  • Find the message UBX-CFG-CFG
  • Select “Save Current Configuration”
  • Click “Send”
NOTE for simpleRTK2Blite users: when loading configuration files to simpleRTK2Blite board, you are using UART1 (via USB with a UART-to-USB converter). The configuration files might change the baudrate you have on your board, leading to a loss of communication in the middle of the configuration file update. When this happens, just change the baudrate of u-center and load again the configuration file at the new baudrate.

Configuration files:

To download a configuration file, right click and “save link as”:

ConfigurationFW 1.32FW 1.13Details
Base File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Enable survey-in with target accuracy 2.5m (should take no more than 5-10min)
Change UART2 baudrate to 115kbps. This improves the buffer use of the radio links.
Activate following RTCM messages
1005: Stationary RTK reference station ARP
1074: GPS MSM4
1094: Galileo MSM4
1230: GLONASS code-phase
We have selected this combination of messages because it's a good tradeoff between performance and required data link:

Performance can be improved by using MSM7 messages
RF Bandwidth can be improved by eliminated more constellations (e.g. remove Galileo), or increase 1005 to only be sent once every 5 seconds.
Rover 1Hz File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Change UART2 baudrate to 115kbps. This improves the buffer use of the radio links.
Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions.
Disable BeiDou, to make it simpler to increase navigation rate to 10Hz without troubles.
Rover 10Hz File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Change UART2 baudrate to 115kbps. This improves the buffer use of the radio links.
Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions.
Disable Beidou, to make it simpler to increase navigation rate to 10Hz without troubles.
Disable GSV on UART to avoid buffer overflw
Change navigation rate to 100ms
Bluetooth on simpleRTK2B or simpleRTK2Blite File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions
UART2 activate NMEA output via UBX-CFG-PRT
Activate GST so accuracy estimates are also visible
Enabled High Precision NMEA with one extra decimal digit
Disable GSA on UART2 to improve bluetooth range
BT+BLE on simpleRTK2B or simpleRTK2Blite File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions
UART2 activate NMEA output via UBX-CFG-PRT and change baudrate to 115'200bps
Activate GST so accuracy estimates are also visible
Enabled High Precision NMEA with one extra decimal digit
Enable SPARTN mode for PP compatibility (only on fw >=1.32)
Rover sending back its position to base File File Same as Rover plus:

Disable all NMEA messages except GGA on UART2.
Enable NMEA output on UART2.
1Hz simpleRTK2Blite (Moving Base) of a simpleRTK2B+heading kit File File This is the files that goes into the simpleRTK2Blite mounted on top of the simpleRTK2B in the kit. Note that depending on your previous configuration you might have to upload the configuration file twice, because in the middle of the configuration file there is a baudrate change.

Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions.
Disable Beidou, to make it simpler to increase navigation rate to 1Hz without troubles.
UART1 and UART2 increased to 115kbps
Activated following RTCM messages on UART1, which is connected from the simpleRTK2Blite to the UART2 of simpleRTK2B:
1077: GPS MSM7
1230: GLONASS code-phase
4072.0: Reference station PVT (u-blox proprietary RTCM Message)
1Hz simpleRTK2B (Rover) of a simpleRTK2B+heading kit File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

UART1 and UART2 increased to 115kbps
Disable NMEA messages in all interfaces except USB, to avoid buffer overflow
Enabled on USB and UART1:
5Hz simpleRTK2Blite (Moving Base) of a simpleRTK2B+heading kit File File This is the files that goes into the simpleRTK2Blite mounted on top of the simpleRTK2B in the kit. Note that depending on your previous configuration you might have to upload the configuration file twice, because in the middle of the configuration file there is a baudrate change.

Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions.
Disable Beidou, to make it simpler to increase navigation rate to 5Hz without troubles.
UART1 increased to 460kbps and UART2 to 115kbps
Activated following RTCM messages on UART1, which is connected from the simpleRTK2Blite to the UART2 of simpleRTK2B:
1077: GPS MSM7
1230: GLONASS code-phase
4072.0: Reference station PVT (u-blox proprietary RTCM Message)
Changed navigation rate to 200ms
5Hz simpleRTK2B (Rover) of a simpleRTK2B+heading kit File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

UART1 increased to 115kbps and UART2 to 460kbps
Disable NMEA messages in all interfaces except USB, to avoid buffer overflow
Enabled on USB and UART1:
Changed navigation rate to 200ms
10Hz simpleRTK2Blite (Moving Base) of a simpleRTK2B+heading kit- File This is the files that goes into the simpleRTK2Blite mounted on top of the simpleRTK2B in the kit. Note that depending on your previous configuration you might have to upload the configuration file twice, because in the middle of the configuration file there is a baudrate change.

Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions.
Disable Beidou, to make it simpler to increase navigation rate to 10Hz without troubles.
UART1 increased to 460kbps and UART2 to 115kbps
Activated following RTCM messages on UART1, which is connected from the simpleRTK2Blite to the UART2 of simpleRTK2B:
1077: GPS MSM7
1230: GLONASS code-phase
4072.0: Reference station PVT (u-blox proprietary RTCM Message)
Changed navigation rate to 100ms
10Hz simpleRTK2B (Rover) of a simpleRTK2B+heading kit- File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

UART1 increased to 115kbps and UART2 to 460kbps
Disable NMEA messages in all interfaces except USB, to avoid buffer overflow
Enabled on USB and UART1:
Changed navigation rate to 100ms
simpleSSR 1Hz- File UART1 outputs GGA and ZDA. (XBee switch must be on "XBEE TO GPS UART1").
UART2 disabled. Can be enabled from UBX-CFG-PRT.
USB outputting NMEA+UBX.
simpleSSR 5Hz- File UART1 outputs GGA and ZDA. (XBee switch must be on "XBEE TO GPS UART1").
UART2 disabled. Can be enabled from UBX-CFG-PRT.
USB outputting NMEA+UBX.
simpleSSR 10Hz- File UART1 outputs GGA and ZDA. (XBee switch must be on "XBEE TO GPS UART1").
UART2 disabled. Can be enabled from UBX-CFG-PRT. Increase baudrate to avoid buffer overflow at 10Hz. Contact us if in doubt.
USB outputting NMEA+UBX.
RAW data (PPK) over UART1 & USB at 1Hz File File NMEA messages disabled on UART1 and baudrate changed to 57'600 bps.
UART1 and USB output UBX-RXM-RAWX and UBX-RXM-SFRBX. (XBee switch must be on "XBEE TO GPS UART1").
On FW1.32 RAW data output is also enabled on UART2.
Rover 1Hz with 4G NTRIP Client (sending NMEA-GGA) File File Starting from a default ZED-F9P configuration:

Change UART2 baudrate to 115kbps. This improves the buffer use of the radio links.
Disable SBAS, to avoid position jumps during short RTK corrections interruptions.
Disable Beidou, to make it simpler to increase navigation rate to 10Hz without troubles.
Enable UART2 Protocol Out to NMEA
NMEA-GGA as output on UART2 to allow compatibility with VRS mountpoints
Disable the rest of NMEA messages on UART2

Only on FW >v1.30 RTCM+SPARTN+UBX are enabled as Protocol In on both UART1 and UART2

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